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Concerns About the Size and Scope of One Westfield Place

We can innovate in Westfield without destroying what makes our town so special.

Together with Councilmen Dr. Michael Armento, Mike Domogala, and David Kiefer, we have taken preliminary steps in directly addressing concerns regarding the proposed One Westfield Place project.

In a letter dated February 12, 2024, addressed to Streetworks Developers, we expressed the sentiment of our residents and advocated for reconsideration of the project's size and scope. (You can find the letter attached to the bottom of this post).

As part of this commitment to residents, we will be participating in meetings with the Streetworks team on February 14th and 15th, 2024, to directly address representatives of Streetworks and the Hudson Bay Company. During these meetings, we plan to highlight the concerns with the project and underscore the need for Hudson Bay Company to revisit the size and scope consultation with the Town.

To be 100% clear, I am personally for innovation, change, development, and adapting as a town. With that said, I am also for moderate and smart economic development which is why I am against the current scope of the One Westfield Place project.

Westfield has a hometown feel to it that is unique and welcoming. We can innovate and build a thriving community without destroying our history and turning us into a generic metropolis.


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